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Resubmission Support & Rejected/Revised Manuscript Resubmission Services

If your paper receives reviewer comments, our publication experts will take over and help you with everything that’s needed to submit your manuscript again. The manuscript would be sent again for re-evaluation from our experts.

  • Check the revised manuscript to ensure it meets journal requirements.
  • Crosscheck your responses to the journal feedback, ensuring that all the questions are answered correctly
  • Submit your responses and revised paper to the same journal.


Available only as a part of Gold and Platinum Publication Support Packs
TIME: Valid for 365 DAYS
Get Started
Available in: Platinum Pack |Gold Pack

If your paper gets rejected, we help you submit to another journal


Reformat your manuscript

Experts will recheck and reformat your manuscript according to the guidelines of the new journal you choose

Draft a new cover letter

We will create new cover letter according to new journal guidelines

Submit your revised paper

We will resubmit with all the responses to the journal

Resubmission Support Service

In case your paper gets rejected, we will help you submit your paper to another journal.
30% off
Number of papers submitted through journal submission service

Every journal has its own submission format, and our expert will format your paper according to your target journal’s instructions for authors. Our expert will also draft a journal submission cover letter addressed to the editor.

With our all services packs, save up to 60%

Buy Manuscript Resubmission support service as part of our Publication Support Packs and ensure a worry free submission journey.

Gold Pack


End-to-end publication-focused support for up to two journals
  • Resubmission Support

  • Premium Editing

  • Artwork Formatting

  • Journal Submission

  • Plagiarism Check

  • Journal Selection

  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Platinum Pack

High-end publication support, including a complete techical review
  • Resubmission Support

  • Premium Editing

  • Artwork Formatting

  • Journal Submission

  • Plagiarism Check

  • Journal Selection

  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Accelerate your publication journey

Get your own assistant to navigate complex journal submission processes that can save you from rejection and get you published faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    What do you do to submit paper to a journal?

  • 02

    Do you guarantee publication?

  • 03

    What do you deliver if I choose this service? Do you offer post-service support?

  • 04

    Will you help me write responses to reviewers comments?

  • 05

    What is the cost of rejected revised manuscript resubmission?

  • 06

    What fees do I have to pay the journal and are these included in your Journal Submission service?

1 in 10BELS-certified editors
across the globe are associated with Editage

Our team comprises physicians, PhDs, MDs, postgraduates, engineers, and even journal peer reviewers who are not only technically competent but also have a deep understanding of the nuances of your subject.

What our users say

  • Editage has not only helped me in proofreading my articles but also successfully guided me in the selection of journals. Great service! The comments f... Read more

    Tiago Freire, Lecturer

    Xi'an JiaoTong-Liverpool University

  • Its really a high quality editing service and I'm quite pleased about the work. If an author is seeking qualified writing and publication support, thi... Read more

    Ugur Erdemir , Associate Professor

    Istanbul University

  • Without Editage, I cannot imagine that I could publish two articles and complete my Ph.D. course. A great job and a great cost-benefit. I have tried o... Read more

    Hirohisa Shimura , Adjunct Professor

    Temple University Japan Campus

  • Thank you very much for the Editage team. Actually, this is the first time to become the corresponding author. The acceptance of this manuscript is so... Read more

    Obie Farobie,

    Impact factor - 5.039 of Journal

  • Great service! The comments from the editor really help me guide my writing and how I shape my argument. It is one of the best features of this servic... Read more

    Dr. Luigi Schiavo, Nutrizionist, , Published in: PLOS

    Second University of Naples. Impact factor - 4.942 of Journal

  • I was supported by Editage team through the whole process of preparing the manuscript. Thank You!

    Mariusz Sieminski

    Impact Factor - 3.339 of Journal

Meet our experts

35+ years of experience
600+ papers edited
25+ years of experience
550+ papers edited

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